First aid kit printable - preview

Know the first aid items to pack in your purse or car. Make your first aid kit to treat minor burns, cuts, bites and stings when you are on the go.
Everyone at some point need a first aid kit to help in emergency conditions. Prepare a kit for your the safety of the people you are associated with in the office environment. Even a basic First aid kit will become more useful in the times of need. Make your own less expensive first aid kit for your office.
An effective first aid kit should contain items to treat ailments like respiratory problem, gatrointestinal problems, allergies, mild pain, fever, cough, sore throat, nassal congestion, sprains, burns, cuts, sting and scrapes.
Use an inexpensive nylon bag or box for making a kit. Then store the items in the box and put it in a clean dry place, away from direct sunlight. Mark it as "FIRST AID BOX' in a bold font size so that it is visible to all.
Check items in the first aid box regularly to ensure that they are within their use-by dates . Dispose of them if they are out of date and refill the box with required items.
The contents of the basic first aid kit are given as a printable. Kindly, take a copy of it. It can be used at office, home or travel.